
FuSuMaTech Phase I Final Workshop

Why should you attend the FuSuMaTech Final Workshop on 1 April 2019 at CERN?

The twelve FuSuMaTech Partners, six Academics and six companies are organizing a workshop on the 1st of April 2019 as a closing event of the FET-Open FuSuMaTech project for you to:

Get a thorough understanding of the FuSuMaTech Initiative and the role you can play in the subsequent phases.

Learn about the Phase 1 outcomes.

Dive into the perspective of superconducting magnet technology towards Medical and Industrial applications.


FuSuMaTech Technical Workshop

The FuSuMaTech Technical Workshop took place at SACLAY (CEA) and PARIS (FIAP) on Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th of July 2018.

It included several talks, working groups and Infrastructure visits.

These two fruitful days allowed to expose the progress of the different tasks of the ten R & D & I and technology demonstrators subjects and to establish work plan and action list for FuSuMaTech Initiative phase 2.

FuSuMaTech IP Workshop

The FuSuMaTech Intellectual Property Workshop took place at CERN on Thursday 19th and Friday 20th of April 2018.

It took place in the innovative environment of IdeaSquare. It included several talks: IP training , brainstorming and preparatory discussions on FuSuMaTech Phase 2.

FuSuMaTech WP leaders and task leaders, as well as legal advisors within partner organisations, actively participated to the workshop.

IP Workshop 2018 at IdeaSquare, CERN



FuSuMaTech Kick Off

Dear FuSuMaTech Colleagues, dear visitors of our website,

As you know , following the kick off meeting held at CERN on October 26th FuSuMaTech  has now really started .

The FuSuMaTech Working Group discussed a set of common subjects of interest and 10 subjects have been selected to start the process of FuSuMaTech Initiative (5 R&D&I subjects and 5 technology demonstrator subjects).

FuSuMaTech WP Leaders

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