Oxford Instruments

Oxford Instruments Nanotechnology Tools Ltd Develops and supplies high technology instrumentation to customers in industry, research, academia and healthcare.


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Oxford Instruments is the internationally leading industrial vendor of superconducting magnets and low-temperature technology for research and industry. One of the first commercial spin-off companies from Oxford University, OX. Inst. has been at the forefront of innovation for many years with a business model that turns smart science into world class products. It began by manufacturing superconducting magnets for scientific research, taking a pioneering role in the development of MRI scanners and high field research and NMR magnets and providing the first commercial MRI body scanner in 1980. Oxford Instruments Nanotechnology Ltd is a global company that delivers high magnetic field applications in physics, chemistry and materials science. OX. Inst. are now the market leader in high field compact superconducting magnets and cryogen free applications with a new class of high field magnets including the 19 T / 150 mm Ø wide bore / 4.2 K at the HLD in Dresden and the 15 T / 250 mm Ø wide bore outsert for the 32 T fully superconducting magnet project at the NHMFL in Florida.

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Engineering and manufacturing facilities for Instrumentation, cryogenic and superconducting applications.

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