SIGMAPHI is an SME established in 1981 and specializing in the design and manufacture of magnetic systems for particle accelerators. The company with two facilities in France and one facility in China has revenues of € 24 million and a staff of 160. Its customers include physics research centers and cancer treatment centers using hadrontherapy. Exports account for 95 % of revenue. Over the past five years, SIGMAPHI has developed an active R&D policy based on collaborations with research centers, particularly in the field of superconducting magnets. Today, the company possesses significant expertise in the magnetic, mechanical, electronic and cryogenic design of superconducting magnets, with two major contracts currently in progress for the Jefferson Laboratory in the USA and one contract with CEA Irfu. A number of research programs are under way with the aim of maintaining their leadership in this area. These include an Oséo Innovation program with the CEA and another industrial partner for the development of a non-helium superconducting cyclotron and a program with the CNRS for the design and manufacturing of one SMES and one electromagnetic launcher based on HTS 2G tape.
Sigmaphi is involved in task 5-1 (MgB2 Technology demonstrator: Solenoid 1m in diameter, 2m in length and 5 T) for prototype detailed design and manufacturing.
Sigmaphi has started in 2012 a collaboration with CEA Irfu about MgB2 superconducting wires R&D. A PhD (Raphael Pasquet, also involved in this project) was recruited in 2012 at CEA Irfu for 3 years with the PhD cost shared with Sigmaphi for the study and characterization of MgB2 wires. This first collaboration between CEA and Sigmaphi about MgB2 was very fruitful. Two double pancakes and one solenoid with MgB2 wire were built at Sigmaphi during this collaboration and successfully tested up to their critical current. Some new techniques suitable for MgB2 coil manufacturing were developed and implemented at Sigmaphi including a new winding technique patented by CEA Saclay.
Dr Raphael Pasquet was recruited by Sigmaphi at the end of this collaboration to take in charge a High Temperature Superconducting magnets R&D program (BOSSE project) in partnership with the CNRS and funded by the DGA. This MgB2 high magnetic field ANR project is in keeping with the strategy of SigmaPhi to create partnerships with research centers and develop innovative technologies in the field of superconducting magnets. The results already obtained in collaboration with Irfu are a great example of this commitment
Superconducting helium free cyclotron – 2013-2017 - Public & private funding – Leader for Sigmaphi Frédérick Forest
Superconducting vector magnet - Public & private funding – 2015-2018 - Leader for Sigmaphi Frédérick Forest
Superconducting Storage Energy Magnet and Superconducting electromagnetic launcher – Public funding – 2015-2018 - Leader for Sigmaphi Frédérick Forest